random illustrations n' stuff

This one doesn't really have a title. It's a traveling robot hospital assisting gnomes in surgery.
Subterranean work assignment with the SI creative group involving Abe Lincoln and a bra.
"Apple Maggot"
Twins are awesome comedic parings. I set these two up to be animated and never came back to them. BUT funny enough pose to let it hang here.
I always say "work in progress" as if its some kind of apology for the empty spots. I really want to crowd this up like a Todd Schorr piece eventually.
Also a paring of a couple 'easy on the eyes' main characters with some alien villains. Seems like the best good vs. evil story has a likeable villain that you kinda root for. I never got around to writing the story I had in mind for this.
First draft of some characters I created for the Zangadoo animated series.
Some furniture I designed/illustrated for a Mattel Toys property online game

Kinda wanna slap these dudes right?

pulled this sprite from a "Punch-Out" type game I was putting together. I still want to get it done, but devs don't work for free and I'm no programmer by any means so who knows if it will ever see the light of day.

1st background for Zangadoo mobile game
This was a 'conceptual' fun composting vehicle we dreamed up for a Nickelodeon game. On the left is the in-game piece. On the right is the vehicle I have isolated from the title screen.

Mobile game illustrations that were never used. (funding fizzled...boo)

About 6 years ago I started working on an idea of two siblings floating around in some kind of dreamland in their pajamas and making friends wherever they went. Eventually these two (the human children in front) would have manage a giant cluster of drifters and weirdos to the point where it got so out of control the story would be forced to end. ONCE again it hangs out unfinished (surprise, surprise). These characters are fully set up for animation which is why they are all starring straight ahead like deer in headlights. Unfortunately they will have to reside here in this jpg. static and alone for the rest of their lives.

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