Friday, December 27, 2013


I designed and animated these characters for a recent project in Adobe Flash. Client said, "make some fun aliens" so I did (ahem)...anyway, there was no real set style except that they liked the characters from the (brilliant) animated television shows "Adventure Time" and "Fosters Home For Imaginary Friends" I took some pride in these guys, and they look like they could hang out in the same room (spaceship?) together. This is their 'idle' pose.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

A gift for Amy

Something I put together for my family's two cats that have "moved on" to cat heaven. Actually more likely they are hanging out in postmortem fighting and wizzing on their afterlife household furniture.

Reese shopping with her pets

My two year old loves cats, dogs and strangely enough, snakes. I figured a nice illustration (Flash) featuring her as the center would inspire me to carve out some characters and and storyline for some kind of sequence (a journey) where I could continue to create worlds and creatures revolving around her interests. This way I can let her know I'm thinking about her when she gets old enough to appreciate all this hard work. (dawwww...I sweet...eeesh) She still thinks I'm responsible for creating the energizer bunny and Batman so no rush to impress her with any new stuff soon.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Gigantic Heavy Metal Abe Lincoln in His Briefs

I can't remember what the 'key words' we used for the illustration activity that was passed around to the designers at work but I pretty sure at least two of the three were "Abe Lincoln" and "underwear"